Berikut daftar calon siswa siswi SMAN 1 Ponggok yang telah diterima melalui Jalur Zonasi. Silakan melakukan daftar ulang paling lambat tanggal 19 Juni 2021 di SMAN 1 Ponggok pada jam kerja, terimakasih.
1 | 52528962 | Restu Iqbal Zakaria | 418 |
2 | 53535188 | CAHAYA RAMADHAN HERMANTO | 536 |
3 | 56324985 | Chiko Rayhandhito Pratama | 561 |
4 | 53433352 | RIDO FATUROHMAN | 569 |
5 | 51304663 | Friska Farah Faridah | 571 |
6 | 56957039 | SUSI MAULA | 641 |
7 | 63192166 | DICKY KHOLIFATKU ROHMAN | 676 |
8 | 61656897 | IDAM CHOLID | 756 |
9 | 59313954 | DEFFY TRIANNA | 949 |
10 | 65945817 | Primadani Syaida | 951 |
11 | 59072600 | PUTRA PRASTYAWAN | 1129 |
12 | 52283225 | PUTRI ANDREANI | 1148 |
13 | 61228933 | SASKIA CHANDRA KIRANA | 1261 |
14 | 3890216 | Dhia Nafiul Fitria | 1297 |
15 | 57540386 | Heru Setiawan | 1298 |
16 | 59590440 | RENDI ADE SAPUTRO | 1301 |
17 | 72182104 | Desta ananda agustina | 1301 |
18 | 56291407 | IKE DESIMA SARI | 1326 |
19 | 51960603 | MOHAMMAD ILHAM RAMADAN | 1364 |
20 | 51804694 | Muhamad Zamzuri | 1370 |
21 | 65027450 | ANGELIA DIAN ARISTA | 1481 |
22 | 59954972 | MOH. ASEP IMAM MASKUR | 1503 |
23 | 54234670 | Jessica Vio Yumna | 1510 |
24 | 54085028 | Julia Angelita Bestari | 1538 |
25 | 57562718 | Muhammad Rizky Arfandy | 1554 |
26 | 51150474 | Siti Nur Afifah | 1594 |
27 | 47718968 | Meyla Septi Maulidini | 1610 |
28 | 54051624 | Arjuna Aditya Mahadewa | 1631 |
30 | 58372105 | ANANDA OKTAVIA RAMADHANI | 1638 |
31 | 55820861 | Fitria Nur Lathifa | 1665 |
32 | 57924486 | Abiyyu Dzaky Ikhtiyar | 1738 |
33 | 65209574 | Laila Nur Kumalasari | 1738 |
34 | 57396498 | Aditya Wahyu Eka | 1872 |
35 | 67097958 | AFIDATUL AZIZAH | 2029 |
36 | 62594400 | NALA KHOIRUL HIDAYAH | 2044 |
37 | 54793576 | TIKA AYU PRAMUDYA WARDANI | 2080 |
38 | 52961796 | Aulia Putri Ramadiani | 2129 |
39 | 68035508 | FRINSKY FIGO AL BANJARI | 2185 |
40 | 57708474 | LINA MAYASARI | 2289 |
41 | 44303625 | Didik Misbahkul Fuad | 2296 |
42 | 58307257 | NADILLA MAHARANI | 2372 |
43 | 53586080 | MARSELENY ALVENY | 2387 |
44 | 59200754 | ELOK AUDYNA FITRI | 2446 |
45 | 63366684 | FERDIANA SANIA SANDRA | 2504 |
46 | 69243336 | ADE ALDIENTA RIFSA PUTRA | 2632 |
47 | 56465042 | SUKIESA PRAVYO | 2704 |
48 | 36759808 | ZAHROTUL INDANA ZULFA | 2723 |
49 | 53795675 | RATIH SALSABELA AGUSTINA | 2768 |
50 | 65619390 | ISMAIL | 2787 |
51 | 58316940 | HILMI CANDRA RAHMADANI | 2806 |
52 | 66315726 | VIMALA VIRYA CANDRA HARMAWAN | 2846 |
53 | 51245613 | Cindy Novita Sari | 2905 |
54 | 54402775 | AHMAD KHOZIN KURNIAWAN | 2964 |
55 | 58190113 | VIRDA RAHMA ASZAHRA | 2982 |
56 | 57727896 | Breyan Andika Ramadani | 2988 |
57 | 68166056 | RIKI REVALDO | 3002 |
58 | 56569462 | JESICA PUTRI MAHARANI | 3012 |
59 | 45582069 | MOHAMMAD DAVIT KHABIB NASRULLOH | 3032 |
60 | 61938945 | IKA FIOLINA NINGTIAS | 3057 |
61 | 56755219 | ERMI HANDI INAYATI | 3094 |
62 | 52177860 | BAYU AJI | 3105 |
63 | 58869166 | RHAVEL IGUSTI DIVANTARA | 3149 |
64 | 66156382 | INDAH PUTIKASARI | 3149 |
65 | 62248130 | SALMA AJENG KHUSNIATI | 3204 |
66 | 59056390 | THALIA ISABLE ANGELYN MAMOTO | 3222 |
67 | 57217477 | SHOFI MIFTAHUL JANNAH | 3256 |
68 | 51308244 | NABILA RAMADHANI PUTRI | 3272 |
69 | 69386494 | EVA NURDIANA | 3294 |
70 | 57090731 | RYAN BAGAS SETIAWAN | 3318 |
71 | 58331990 | LILA | 3318 |
72 | 57547189 | ILDA SELVIYA | 3318 |
73 | 58282981 | DEVI NUR ALISAH | 3318 |
74 | 65473931 | FADIL HADIYAL ANA | 3318 |
75 | 68922343 | SRI SULTAN AULIA ZUHRI | 3337 |
76 | 57392860 | BENITA ADE A | 3348 |
77 | 56472620 | NABIL RAMADHAN | 3364 |
78 | 53149476 | TRI WAHYUNI | 3385 |
79 | 54175509 | MELISA PUTRI SRI NUR INDAH | 3525 |
80 | 55769297 | ALFIAH | 3538 |
81 | 66526585 | RIZKI DIAN RAHMAWATI | 3540 |
82 | 62113271 | Ayu Faradina Alfi Masruroh | 3559 |
83 | 67529249 | LUSI YUNITA SARI | 3559 |
84 | 69208511 | DINDA NUR SABILA | 3560 |
85 | 65561699 | Ahmad Serianto | 3576 |
86 | 58089395 | Devi Silvi Wulandari | 3583 |
87 | 68970805 | RAHMAT HARYADI | 3598 |
88 | 54997017 | MOHAMMAD SA’ID AGIL RAMADAN | 3617 |
89 | 51382902 | YUNISA EKA PUSPITA | 3634 |
90 | 59662125 | DIAN KHARISMAWATI | 3679 |
91 | 52407772 | RISMA NURAZIZAH | 3698 |
92 | 57867444 | CHALSA AUTHITHA LAURIEN ASMORO | 3700 |
93 | 58276050 | Elsa Lazima | 3827 |
94 | 58614481 | RIZKI BAGAS SAPUTRA | 3829 |
95 | 54573429 | ALDINA DIFA ZULIARA | 3836 |
96 | 52968885 | DESI ANGELIKA NIRMALA PUTRI | 3894 |
97 | 53721704 | JUWITA | 3901 |
98 | 74665877 | RETNO AYU WULANDARI | 3918 |
99 | 59287883 | Dwiky Arrulan Bagaskara | 4105 |
100 | 66143122 | ANGGUN AMEY LINDA PUTRI | 4120 |
101 | 53391046 | DEHAN RIZKY AGUNG PRASETYA | 4135 |
102 | 54440245 | IMELDA PUTRI ASHARI | 4167 |
103 | 59842255 | Sandy Eka Kurniawan | 4182 |
104 | 56414622 | Putut Dwi Darmawan | 4286 |
105 | 54948058 | MUHAMMAD ANDI TRIO SAPUTRA | 4337 |
106 | 57274091 | Mohamad Rifqi Rahmadana | 4382 |
107 | 61254021 | Badi’atul Khoiriah | 4413 |
108 | 59785612 | Erlinda Elysia | 4458 |
109 | 57251584 | MOCH. DZA’Q NASAI SETIAWAN PUTRA ZP | 4468 |
110 | 56804879 | MUHAMAD IQBAL CHANDRA SIREGAR | 4484 |
111 | 51406331 | NADEA PUTRI RATNA SARI | 4624 |
112 | 64384339 | DANIEL ARDIANSYAH | 4629 |
113 | 56768835 | VICKHAL BAGAS PRATAMA | 4721 |
114 | 59832565 | RADIVA BAGUS ALBANA | 4724 |
115 | 47269313 | THOMAS ANDYWAN FEBRIANTO | 4762 |
116 | 65776759 | PUTRI NUR FADILAH | 4800 |
117 | 52159225 | JUNIAR PERMATASARI | 4930 |
118 | 54847339 | M. FRADIVANTA MAKHRUZAL PUTRA P | 4935 |
119 | 61594844 | GALANG SETIAWAN | 4952 |
120 | 53758686 | NUGRAHA RENO SAPUTRA | 5031 |
121 | 67006091 | Muhammad Arya Rosyanda Putra | 5031 |
122 | 68306495 | MUHAMMAD VALENTINO EFENDI | 5073 |
123 | 59189218 | M RYAN EKA KURNIAWAN | 5080 |
124 | 59654216 | YUNIAR WIDIA RINI | 5085 |
125 | 52129700 | WAHYU SEPTI CAHYANING PUTRI | 5099 |
126 | 55756876 | DEVIE RAHMANDA PATRICIA MAHARANI | 5121 |
127 | 59961422 | MOCH.TINO ERLANGGA | 5143 |
128 | 53368487 | NANJA FATIKA ZAHRA | 5149 |
129 | 51582809 | Selindria Purnama | 5242 |
130 | 58040102 | YUDHISTIRA RAFI RAMADHANI | 5277 |
131 | 67483465 | LIHA AKHSANUL A.K | 5282 |
132 | 62974409 | MOCH. EKA CHOIRUL ANAM | 5327 |
133 | 63913293 | LULUS YUDI SEKAR HUTAMI | 5360 |
134 | 58109433 | AYU NABILA | 5381 |
135 | 51069117 | RATIH NUR FITRIANA | 5381 |
136 | 65434341 | DEVY IKA ZUNAIYAH | 5384 |
137 | 57902124 | Pitri Nursuci Patmawati | 5390 |
138 | 51257989 | ERA MIFTAKHUL JANAH | 5404 |
139 | 54458885 | ZAHWA AULIA | 5414 |
140 | 62230753 | BILQIS MARISA | 5426 |
141 | 3506240905 | ARYA MAHESWARA PUTRA S | 5478 |
142 | 62400683 | BEMWY WIRDANNASTI MAGHALIA ABADI | 5493 |
143 | 57913526 | SALSA VIVIAN AGUSTIAN NATASYA | 5542 |
144 | 65351475 | Fila Riska Ramawati | 5693 |
145 | 69884325 | REVA ADELIA LERINA | 5749 |
146 | 53509183 | BIMANTARA ADITYA FIRMANSYAH | 5830 |
147 | 54203412 | Angga Prahardika | 5838 |
148 | 58484199 | Aris Wahyu Satria | 5838 |
149 | 61634904 | Ega Nendra Saputra | 5839 |
150 | 62329836 | Faizawa Aulia Azka | 5970 |
151 | 63015129 | KHARISMA EKA PRADHIANA | 6003 |
152 | 41163846 | ANGGA PUTRA WIJAYA | 6016 |
153 | 54007511 | Hamida Choirotu Husna | 6052 |
154 | 73080050 | RANNY AZILA NINGSYA | 6081 |
155 | 66276143 | ARDI LUTFI ANGGARA UMA KAAPA | 6096 |
156 | 59987367 | AZZAHRA DWI SEPTIA ANANDA | 6142 |
157 | 51782217 | KHORIDATU ZAKWA ALFI DANISHA | 6196 |
158 | 66514905 | KOIRUL ANAM | 6228 |
159 | 63461669 | Siti Nur Diana Indah | 6325 |
160 | 63696306 | AHMAD ILHAM KURNIAWAN | 6432 |
161 | 55676536 | Elsa Fiana | 6604 |
162 | 55392735 | Wahyu Setyawan | 6983 |
163 | 58266653 | ELIZA WAHYU RAMADHANI | 7073 |
164 | 66025007 | Wahyu Catur Praditya | 7160 |
165 | 69067071 | FERONIKA JAYANTI LAIA | 7160 |
166 | 65623041 | MUHAMMAD NASIHIN A. | 7237 |
167 | 69037988 | IMA WAHYUNI | 7245 |
168 | 48893538 | MUH FATIQUL ULUM | 7250 |
169 | 55373448 | ZIDDAN SYEFA AHMAD MAULANA | 7328 |
170 | 64958559 | M. FARROKHA SARYAVA | 7335 |
171 | 69005650 | MUHAMAD CHOIRUL NIZAM | 7386 |
172 | 65426825 | KEVIN VAUGHAN ZIV ULKHAQ | 7409 |
173 | 69247260 | KHAIRINA ZAFARANI R Z | 7426 |
174 | 62935562 | SAMUEL FRANSISCHO WIGNYO PUTRA | 7435 |
175 | 51227081 | SEPTI PUSPITA NINGTIAN | 7465 |
176 | 51083203 | FAIZ SHIFAUL AULIA | 7466 |
177 | 59510718 | MAHENDRA CATUR ADMAJA | 7591 |
178 | 48647451 | YEPTHA BARUS | 7698 |
179 | 63757886 | RISKA SETYANTIKA | 7889 |
180 | 58348394 | Rahardian Surya Firdausi | 8053 |
181 | 62106841 | JINGGA RADHINA MALITASARI | 8062 |
182 | 59729077 | SILVIA KURNIA NINGSIH | 8100 |
183 | 58789362 | DIMAS ADI NUGROHO | 8131 |
184 | 55379941 | Adinda rahmawati | 8181 |
185 | 56336808 | SALWA SYAHDA NYSILLA | 8317 |
186 | 59810094 | SHEREN EGIRLSE A CANTICA | 8458 |
187 | 58915956 | ARJUNA WIWAHA | 8789 |
188 | 66463782 | NADIA PUTRI DWINATA | 9018 |
189 | 65229469 | David Triandanu | 9026 |
190 | 53989385 | ROZY MAULANA | 9155 |
191 | 59126359 | Leviana Anggraeni | 9186 |
192 | 54438019 | Mellia Novia Sari | 9250 |
193 | 65188406 | Sinta Ajeng Lestari | 9274 |
194 | 49024525 | PASHA ANDI GRACENTITO | 9291 |
195 | 67559754 | Lailia Rekha | 9336 |
196 | 59777009 | DITA PUTRI HARIANI | 9381 |
197 | 55107517 | IMFRON DAMAR HALOMOAN | 9405 |
198 | 52988001 | Aida Ayu Pratiwi | 9432 |
199 | 56266178 | Muhammad Wahyu Setiawan | 9594 |
200 | 64304115 | LURYTA MEYZA DEWANGGA | 9659 |
201 | 57201002 | Irfan Ardhana | 9725 |
202 | 56659130 | SAMSODIN WIDODO | 10043 |
203 | 31667104 | RIZKA RAHMA AZIZAH | 10291 |
204 | 59962523 | NAHENDRA ADITYA ROSSY ALBAIHAQY | 10316 |
205 | 63739956 | RAHAYU WIDYA AMELIA | 10351 |
206 | 55634678 | DIAN PUSPA RAHMA NINGSIH | 10511 |
207 | 57556691 | ISMAIL DIANTORO | 10514 |
208 | 42121831 | Insya Waroh | 10567 |
209 | 52824453 | YUDI PRATAMA | 10753 |
210 | 61108154 | DOA FATMAWATI | 10773 |
211 | 58792663 | NATIQOH ALKHUMAIROH | 10830 |
212 | 52623440 | ZUNITA ANGGRAINI | 10863 |
213 | 67414057 | DELTA SAFFRINA DIADORA | 10955 |
214 | 58206587 | Uswatun Hasanah | 10999 |
215 | 64789829 | RENO ADI PRAMANA | 11062 |
216 | 59647047 | Dista Desviani Putri | 11064 |
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